This morning the top spire and the angel Moroni was put into place. It was such a wonderful thing to be able to watch. Something I'm so thankful I was able to witness.
I believe they started some of the prep work this morning at about 8:30am. I arrived at 9am, just as they were finishing up attaching it all to the large crane. By 9:20, it was up in place.
Here's some pictures (okay, quite a lot of them) in case you couldn't be there....
Also, while I was watching what was going on, was the first time I noticed that this was on the temple....
And last picture for this post... a picture taken from inside my house. I love that I can see it from my house. (zoomed in of course, but still a good view!)
Hi! My name is Rebecca Seegmiller and I am from Henderson (las vegas), NV in the U.s.. I found your blog when I was looking for updates on the Calgary temple...and then stayed when I saw your fun cakes. I'm a novice, but learning how to try and make my own. Anyway, my husband served his mission in calgary in 1988-1990, and we are hoping (and saving our pennies) to try and make it up there for the open house of the temple and possible mission reunion. We think it will make a great family trip and are excited to see the progress. I was wondering if you had any idea if they have announced when the open house might be? Thanks. - if you do know anything could you possibly email me? seegmillerfam at embarqmail dot com ... By the way the pictures are so amazing and what an amazing thing to be able to see!