Not only is Cam away to another conference, but Abigail is also away to "outdoor school".
So, when Abigail left yesterday morning, I decided I was going to do a makeover of her bedroom and surprise her. She gets home Friday afternoon, so I hope she likes it when she sees what I've done...
Let me say too.... sometimes what I envision in my head, doesn't always come out quite the way I planned. First off, the tree was all free hand and basically done by just painting it on a whim. I say that because I did not project it onto the wall and I didn't exactly sketch it in pencil either. That was my plan, to sketch it out first, until I realized I can't see the pencil markings from a distance and therefore it was pointless cause I couldn't see the overall picture.... make sense? So, I just "winged" it. Some things I'd change if I were to do it again, but I'm not. I'll just call it a learning experience. Besides, I'm hoping no one cares about the "details" like I do... and you'll all just think it's amazing... right? :)
Anyways, here's some before and after pictures.......
I found those sheer purple curtains at Ikea last night for only $10. Sweet.
And all her paper masks that she likes to make, are now above the door.
Well, I'm hoping to add a few more things. I'm not completely sure what or how. I had bought some picture frames and was planning to hang them above her bed and attach ribbon from the frames to the tree to make it look like they're hanging, but I'm not sure. Maybe. Or maybe I need bigger frames? Or a vinyl word saying from Word to the Wall for the one blank wall? Oh, I'm not sure. Any ideas??? Anyone?
So, now you know why I'm feeling a little sleep deprived today. And why am I blogging, when I could be sleeping??
This is great Amber. She'll love it I'm sure.