Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Cakes for Relief Society

This year marks the 170th "birthday" of the Relief Society.
Every March, we always have an activity that focuses a bit more on the Relief Society program and this year we decided we'd like to have more of a BIRTHDAY party!

And if you're going to have a birthday, you need to have CAKE!
And come on, a cake is always better than cupcakes or other desserts for celebrating such an occasion.

So, between my friend Megan and I, we baked 8 different cakes in 6 different yummy flavors. We baked vanilla, chocolate, coconut, banana, pineapple coconut and mixed berry.

And so the two of us, along with my sister Fern (who graciously agreed to come over), spent the morning decorating....

All the cakes were decorated with a butter cream icing... and since we can't have open flames at the church, I thought it would be fun to make some fondant candles to go on top.

(and a big thank you to Meg, who came over on short notice to spend some time with sweet baby M today... it was a huge help!!!)

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