Sunday, 14 August 2011

I'm still around

Wow! Has it really been OVER a MONTH since I last blogged??
I'm still around..... sort of. Actually, we've been on a month long trip. That's right, a whole month or 4 1/2 weeks.
That's a long time. It feels like a long time.
Currently, we're on day 24 out of 32!!

I'm sitting in our tent trailer in Anaheim. Today will be a day of going to church, visiting the Newport LDS Temple and spending the rest of the afternoon at the beach. I have a feeling, today might be the hottest day we've had since we've left. Here's something to make you jealous over.... in the 24 days, we've had all beautiful weather! Our coolest day was around 20C and our warmest was 33C (well, we drove through hotter, but we didn't get out and spend time in it) We've had NO RAIN or other crappy weather.... though, we did have a morning of very thick, dense, wet fog that was almost like a drizzling rain, but it was just for the morning and then we packed up and drove out of it. Here's hoping that our last 8 days will give us equally nice weather.

Anyways, I'll start to blog about some of our trip later today probably. We've done a lot and there's a lot to share. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to have you home! I have not passed around the attendance a single time since you left.
