Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Calgary Temple Progress - June 22, 2011

We're lucky enough to attend church in the building on the same lot, so we can see the progress on the temple on a weekly basis. Despite there being a crazy amount of rain lately, I'm always surprised to go each week and find that there's been something done.

This morning I was at the church to clean the kitchen and I remembered to bring my camera, so I can take some pictures of the temple's progress, for any of you who are not as fortunate to be able to see it all the time.

With the beautiful weather today, there's a lot going on. A lot of workers. It's all exciting!

Here's a view from the church - looking from the SE

Matthew and I went for a walk to get some other angles....
This is the view from the NW

A view from the SWOn a side note, I'm impressed with the above picture..... because Matthew (5 yr) took it.


  1. Great pictures Amber! Matthew is such a cutie and a budding photographer? :) It is so exciting to see all the progress, I love that we can literally look out our windows and see it!

  2. Hi! Thanks for the picture - I'm from las vegas and was looking up calgary temple progress when I found your blog. We want to come up for the open house and visit where my husband served his mission there - oh a long time ago, so I am excited to see the progress! I have a five year old too...his name is Eric. :) (and 3 others.) Thanks again! - Rebecca
