Friday, 3 June 2011

2011 May Long Weekend - Part 2

Boy, I've been slacking in my blogging. I'm finally getting around to looking at some of the pictures my Dad took of the Long weekend. He so kindly burned them onto a CD for me. It's no easy task to go through them, cause despite Dad's best efforts to reduce how many he had to share, there's still 170 pictures.

Anyways, first off, I'm looking through this CD and I'm amazed at some of the pictures my Dad took of the things around us. Let me share with you some that stood out to me....
That's sap on one of the trees in our campsite.
Now, I'm not a fan of dandylions (particularly when I'm having to deal with hundreds of them in my yard!) but you have to admit, sometimes they can be very pretty. Particularly these next ones that my Dad took of them as seeds...
And my Dad spotted this grizzly bear on the side of the road. Of course he had to stop and take some pictures. He definitely got some amazing ones! He's taken plenty of bear pictures in the past, but I think these are his best.
And lastly, Saturday morning we walked down to the bathrooms together to get a look at these cool moths. The first one, was surprisingly really large... about the size of the palm of my hand.
This smaller moth, Abigail put on a stick and took it back to camp. It spent the whole day on our tent trailer and didn't fly away.

Okay, back to camping......
One of the things we love most about camping in Radium, is swimming at the Hot Springs Pool. We always laugh because, no matter how busy it is, we seem to crowd out everyone and eventually take over the one end of the pool. The end we like to sit at is sloped, so you can lay down or sit in shallower water if you want. It's good for the kids. Here's some pics...
My little nephew was being so cute and funny. Here he was laying down beside me in the water.
My Grandma Orr (remember, she's 98!) loves to swim. Always has. And she's an amazing floater. I don't know how she does it. She floats so effortlessly. I always love to watch the looks of people around us, when she does a float face down in the water. Hee hee!
Here she's giving lessons to everyone on how to float. Take note kids, you'll never have a better teacher!

And to end of this blog posting.... another favorite pass times while camping.... sitting around the fire! And for all you who camped in Alberta and had to tolerate the fire ban that weekend, don't worry, we had a nice big fire for you.

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