Sunday, 1 May 2011

Calgary Cache and Release Spring 2011

We had a day full of geocaching yesterday, as the Calgary Cache and Release - Spring 2011 (CCARS11) began. CCARS11 is a full 24 hour marathon for some people, but we're only participating on the Saturday.

Our first event was a CITO (Cache In, Trash Out). We went to the Munroe Park and met up with about 50+ other people as we all cleaned up the park. Even the kids enjoyed picking up the trash for a little bit and using the pokey sticks that the city supplied. After finishing cleaning up, they took a group picture (I'll see if I can find a copy, if someone posts it online), and then they gave out door prizes. Lucky for us, we won our first Geocoin. It's a pretty one. Here's some pictures of it....

The CITO event ended just before 11:30, we found the two caches that were in the park, and then we were off to find our first cache released specifically for CCARS11. We picked on one our way home. This one is about 10m from the Bow Valley Chapel parking lot. Sweet. When we arrived there, there was no one else there, so that was very lucky for us. Part of the rules for CCARS11 is that you can not log a cache until after 12pm on Saturday. So, we waited a few minutes, looked for the cache (which we found very quickly) and then waited to open it until it was time.
Now, given who hid this particular cache, we knew it probably seemed a little too easy to find it so quickly under a pile of sticks and leaves. Plus, the cache had been given a difficulty rating of 3 out of 5, so something was up. Sure enough, I open it up and discover that the large ammo can is filled with about 15 smaller containers. I open one up, and it's empty except for a little note that says "This is not even remotely close to the log book. Sorry." Okay. So, I open another, and it says exactly the same thing. "Sorry". Boo. And so it went on. Now, for those of you who are not very familiar with geocaching, part of the rules are is that you MUST sign the log book to get credit for it. Now I know, the 3 star difficulty rating is because I must find the LOGBOOK, not the actual CACHE. Sneaky! I won't tell any more details of where the log book was found, but I will say that it took me a whole 20 minutes to find!!! Just as I signed the book, another group of cachers arrive and I scramble to put it all back together and replace it the way I found it. I won't be forgetting that one any time soon. Plus, I also got my first "First To Find" (FTF)..... which is highly coveted in the geocaching community.... and geocachers quite often will race to be the first to claim a FTF on a new cache. So, it was nice to finally get my first FTF.

We found several others in the afternoon with the girls, while Matthew was at a birthday party.

Then, after supper, the grandparents came over to watch the kids while Cam and I have a cheap date night and go find some new geocaches. This time, I remembered to bring a camera!!!
It seems that most of the ones released specifically for CAR, are a little more unique and fun to find.

Here are a few that stood out.......

This one was exactly what we were expecting. It said that we were to bring at least 2L of water with us when we were to find it. I've never found one of this type before, so it's nice to find something new, though I have heard of ones like this.
Pour the water in..... and the cache will float up to the top where we can get it and then the water drains out the bottom for the next person to find.

This cache was fun. Not many places someone could hide this Canada Day themed cache.
Good thing Cam was there cause it would have taken me a lot longer to realize you could take the bolt out of the bottom and lift it up. Phew! It was heavy too!

This one was a Christmas themed cache. Someone decorated this one up nice. And wholey! It was heavy!! It had the most swag ever! (FYI, swag is tradable items in caches. I don't trade, but my kids love to!)

This one might have been my favorite of the night. I love how bold and in your face some of his caches are. He must have great connections to do something like this......
And FYI, there are NO geocaching stores in the mall. Here's a close up..... and this was just the first waypoint and not the actual geocache....

Okay, another cache. Love how this one is in plain sight. And FYI, this was on the side of the road and no, there's no bus stop there. So random. I love it.
Okay, where's the log book to sign.....

Here's Cam driving. Like the covers we have for our side mirrors? Lots of people out yesterday had them. Just adds to the fun. Oh, the things Cam has to put up with.....

It was a great day. So much fun. We found a total of 20 geocaches yesterday.... a record for us! Our previous record for most caches in one day was only 8.... so yesterday totally quashed it.

So, has any of these pictures piqued your interesting in geocaching?? If you ever want to go... I'm always willing to have someone join me!!

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