Sunday, 17 April 2011

Cakes = Busy Weekend

It's been a crazy weekend. What's the saying?? When it rains, it pours?

It all started Thursday.
Thursday I had a request to make a birthday cake. A mock-wedding cake. Yup, they wanted a birthday cake to look like a wedding cake..... for two 17 year olds. The two families have been friends forever and since the two kids have birthday only a day apart, same age, and are such great friends, it's been a long time joke that one day these two would get married.

I thought and thought about what I would do for them. In the end, I thought a cake with a figures of her and him sitting on the edge of the cake. She likes basketball, so she'd have one in her arm. He likes books, so he'd have one in his arm.

So, here's a look at the cake I made for Ryan and Emily!! I hope they enjoyed their birthday cake!

The banner "Congratulations Ryan & Emily" actually isn't attached to anything.... because if you flip it around, it says "Happy Birthday" too.

Does that bow look familiar? Yup, that's the one I did that I posted about in my previous post... so now you get to see the whole cake now that the Surprise party is over.

Okay, Thursday is done with.
Onto Friday's projects..... which was ridiculously crazy since I had to have it all done early because I was going to a scrapbook conference with some friends that started Friday night.

Friday morning consisted of another missionary cake (minus the top decorations since they were being reused from the week before), 200+ mini cupcakes and another mini cupcake bouquet. Sounds like a lot? Take a look.....

Oops. I don't know why this picture is flipped. Oh well, it looks all the same anyways....

Phew! Now that is a lot of decorating in one morning!

Then it was off to "Camp Croppin" to spend some time with some great friends! A big thank you too, to Liana, Kelli and Serena for driving me to and from the conference so that Cam could have the car for family errands (yay! he survived taking the girls to dress rehearsal on Saturday). Serena was nice enough to send me a couple pictures from our weekend together.....

1 comment:

  1. When I saw your cupcakes at the church this afternoon I was on my way out the door with the kids. I begged for two- one for me and one for Bens. When Brett saw me with them I said "They're Amber Kiddle cupcakes- how could I not?" They were as yummy as they are lovely!
