Thursday, 10 March 2011


I have a real love of fondant.
I was first introduced to working with fondant in January 2008, when I took the 3rd Wilton course. I'm amazed at how far I've come in the last 3 years. I've learned a lot about what I can do with it and the things I can create.
My favorite fondant to use is Satin Ice. I've tried the Wilton kind from Michaels too (yuck! Don't ever want to taste it again) and yesterday I actually tried my hand at making fondant from scratch using marshmellows and sugar (I'll tell you later what I think of it)

So, aside from taking the Wilton's course, where did I learn how to do stuff with fondant??
Youtube videos and books and just experimenting with it.

While at the library, I would often browse through the cake books there. I found that I gravitated towards certain books. One in particular, I've taken out from the library numerous times. I finally decided it was time I should just buy it. So, I was quite thrilled when my copy of Debbie Brown's Enchanted Cakes for Children came in the mail.

I love this book! It's not for beginners, but if you're looking for really impressive cake ideas and great step-by-step instructions, this is a great book to look at!
I've made 2 cakes out of this book so far. A mermaid cake and a pirate ship cake....

Fun cakes to make and a real challenge. There's some other cakes I'd like to make from Debbie Brown's book, but I'm waiting for a good time.

Another cake artist I've come across is Lorraine McKay. I first came across her work through some posts that she has on youtube. One of my favorite tutorials is one to make a little sheep. So versatile for so many different kinds of cakes. Click here to access step one of her sheep tutorial off youtube. Here's some cakes that I've made using this little sheep...

These sheep are very easy to make. Even my kids can make them. Give them a try!

Lastly, I don't think you need to use fondant for everything. Most people don't like to eat it, even the good tasting stuff. But, I think it looks perfectly good to decorate with a mix of both butter cream and fondant.

You can make amazing things with fondant that you can't with regular icing. Give fondant a try. Just play with it. Experiment with it. Have fun with it. It's just like play dough, except you can eat it!

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